September 12, 2023

La Chorba

Presentation La Chorba is a lay association founded in 1998 to combat hunger and social exclusion. Its creation was based on a simple observation:
September 11, 2023

Roof of My Own

One winter's day, while giving a coin to a beggar, Denis Castin felt the need to go further. His indignation gave rise to a simple idea: what if, at
September 11, 2023

First international emergency

Première Urgence Internationale's mission is to help vulnerable populations marginalized or excluded by the effects of natural disasters, war or natural disasters.
September 11, 2023

Planète Urgence

Planète Urgence is an international solidarity and development aid NGO created in 2000 and recognized as being of public utility. Planète Urgence has given itself
July 24, 2023

Heart of the Forest

Cœur de Forêt is an association for the preservation of forests in France and abroad, which has been working on the causes of deforestation and degradation since 2005.