SSE month in continuous flow!

November 17, 2020

Since November 1st and within the framework of the SSE (Social and Solidarity Economy) month, many solidarity initiatives are deployed thanks to the communities of actors of the Social and Solidarity Economy. 

It's perfect timing! It's the perfect opportunity to share with you our pride in being supported by France Active, a genuine support operator for committed entrepreneurs.

France Active, committed entrepreneurs in Pays de la Loire

To find out more, France Active Pays de la Loire invites you to join us on November 25 from 10am to 4pm for the 3rd regional conference on the Social and Solidarity Economy, in dematerialized format. To register, click here.

To find out more about the #MoisESS2020 initiatives, visit the dedicated website https://lemois-ess.org/

On Linkedin, here are all the initiatives, events and content that might interest you: news #MoisESS2020 

Le mois de l'ESS also invites you to join us on our twitter feed @mois_ESS to continue this month of discovery and commitment with enthusiasm and energy!

See you soon, 

The Sorewards team 

#ESS #engaged entrepreneurs #november2020 #CSR

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