Planète Urgence


Planète Urgence is an international solidarity and development aid NGO created in 2000 and recognized as a public utility.

Planète Urgence's mission is to strengthen people for a planet of solidarity and sustainability. The association works so that everyone can live with dignity and autonomy in a preserved environment.

It does this in three ways:

  • Protecting endangered forests and biodiversity
  • Promoting local community development
  • Raising environmental awareness

This is done through volunteering: through 4 volunteering schemes(Congé Solidaire®, Mission Solidaire, Service Civique and Volontariat de Solidarité Internationale), Planète Urgence enables citizens to get involved by going on short or long-term missions. These missions are part of long-term objectives and respond to local needs clearly identified beforehand with their Operations division and local partners.

In addition, working directly with local partners, the association designs environmental protection projects to combat deforestation and, more broadly, the destruction of ecosystems. These reforestation actions are combined with environmental awareness-raising and the economic development of local communities to ensure sustainable, shared management of natural resources.